Monday, 22 March 2010

Life is a flower...

In the immortal words of 'Ace of Base', Life is a flower...

And considering that myself and my family just celebrated Ostara, it seems a fitting title for this post...

Ostara is a pagan festival, also known as the Spring Equinox, that falls around the time of the Christian celebration of Easter. It is a solar festival, and one of only two days in the year where the days and nights are of equal length. Spring is here, life is growing all around us... It is a time to celebrate fertility, life and growth.

At each Sabbat, I always like to look back at what I was doing at the same time last year. Last Ostara, the Fella and I spent it with Pagan friends of ours, doing a small ritual and then eating chocolate! (Their small boy VERY much enjoyed the chocolate part!). I was 6 months pregnant, and definately feeling it!

It is wonderful to look back at mine and Stephen's life and see how far we've come since then. We have a lot of things to be thankful for.

We have a beautiful little boy who is a complete joy to be around... We have a serene (sometimes!) place to live, in a gorgeous area of the world. I have a job I love. We have fantastic friends, (including one who at this time is epitomising fertility as she is pregnant with her first child, a little boy!) We have three funny cats, who provide a never-ending source of amusement... And, importantly, we have each other.

I know it sounds soppy, but I love having Steve in my life, and being a part of his.

Aaaanyway, to celebrate Ostara, (yes, I KNOW it's a little late, but life got in the way and I'm making up for it now!), I am going to be planting this afternoon, specifically tiny rosebushes, and a whole bundle of bulbs. These will eventually become part of the flowers used at mine and Fella's wedding, so should be fun letting Reuben play with mud and grass!

As for the weight issue, which I know some people have been worrying about regarding me, I am now 9stone 3lbs, less than when I met first met Steve,and means I've lost over half a stone since the end of December, and actually feeling pretty happy with it! Having up and down days, some where I don't eat at all and some where I eat very well, but there are definately more of the latter than the former! It does play on my mind, as I don't want to set a bad example to my son, I want to encourage him to eat properly and healthily.

My heart also goes out to two people right now, sadly a girl I went to school with is burying her brother today, and a family member is mourning the loss of her father. They should both know we're thinking of them...

Will take pictures of my afternoon's work, and post them later!



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