I am going to do something about this baby weight.
After speaking to two people whose opinions I greatly value, stopping eating is really not the best thing to do for me to lose weight safely. Katie-Lee (most awesome of awesome hippy chicks) reminded my of two years back, when after a particularly terrible breakup, I stopped eating (my logic being "If I stop eating, I'll get thinner and he'll love me again!") and started going out every night... Not so bad, I hear you say, but the fact that I did it everyday for three weeks *was* bad...
I went from going out with Katie-Lee looking like this in the September (I'm on the left)...
To looking like this in December, after the breakup (again, me on the left)...
The day after this picture was taken, I ended up in hospital with severe kidney problems. Turns out, when you don't eat for three weeks, and drink instead, it does not equal win. In fact, it actually equals mahoosive lose.
Basically, I'd gotten a kidney infection, that had just gotten worse and worse until finally I was taken to hospital when I collapsed. I was told that another 24 hours and my kidneys would have gone into renal failure.
Basically, I'd gotten a kidney infection, that had just gotten worse and worse until finally I was taken to hospital when I collapsed. I was told that another 24 hours and my kidneys would have gone into renal failure.
So yes, utterly mean boy + no food + much alcohol = poorly
As an added note, the beautiful girlie in the pics is my Katie-Lee, you should definately go across and read her blog! She's a very talented writer, currently doing her MA in Journalism...
Anyway, tangent completed, Katie-Lee reminded me that not eating lands me in a whole heap of trouble... She then proceeded to yell at me, that I was being stupid... well, as much as you can yell on Facebook chat at 2 in the morning.
I then spoke to soon-to-be-my-hubby, Stephen, who then said he'd help in whatever way he could...
We're now joining a gym on Monday, he's taken all the unhealthy stuff out of the house (not that we had much anyway), bought loads of SlimFast (his logic being if you're not going to eat much, at least drink something that remotely healthy)... *AND* my mum is going to come over every Monday to watch Reuben so Stephen and I can go to the previously aforementioned gym.
Check that for being positive.
On an eve more awesome note, my son learnt to crawl this week! Whoop whoop and holler! Am so very proud of the little guy!
Anyway, better go, Small Boy is awake and demanding I feed him...
Em, x
"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for..."